Shihan Jean Pierre van Vre started with Tai Jutsu in 1980 and after 10 years of intense practice he was capable to start his own Dojo. Due to the big successes, he soon ran 3 Dojo’s, including 3 Kickboxing schools. In the meantime he kept specializing himself in Japan on many…
Walter Toch – Belgium
Sifu Walter Toch has been intensely active in the martial arts for over 50 years now. He works as a professional martial arts teacher and is always open for every new development. He is also a self-taught scientist and author of several articles, books and DVDs. Sifu Walter Toch is of…
Sergei Nasteka – Siberia
Shihan Sergei Nasteka holds following degrees: 6th Dan Ju Jitsu 3th Dan Toyama Ryu 3th Dan Motobu Ryu 3th Dan Hontai Yoshin Ko Ryu Ju Jitsu
Tihamér Tóth – Hungary
Tihamér Tóth Sensei started martial arts at the age of 17. He started with Yuko-Ryu Ju-Jitsu, which he studied under the guidance of István Kelemen Sensei, a well known Master in Hungary. Afterwards he took on Tai-Jitsu with Master Roland Hernaez in France. Tihamér Tóth Sensei holds following degrees: 3th…
Mykhailo Tkachuk – Ukraine
Mykhailo Tkachuk Sensei holds following degrees: Shihan 6th Dan Hoku Shin Ko Ryu Ju-Jutsu Shibusho 4th Dan Koryu Karate Jissen Jutsu Shibusho 4th Dan Ryu Kyu Kobujutsu Moidi 3th Dan Kobudo Goshinkan Mykhailo Sensei was last year one of the instructors of the Special Police Forces Seminar at the GoR…
Anatoly Oleksov – Ukraine
Anatoly Oleksov Sensei is Shibucho for Ukraine Motobu Ryu Kyu Kobujutsu Moidi Tuite and Koryu Karate Jutsu Jissen Ryu. Anatoly Sensei holds following degrees: 4th Dan Delta SWAT Police system. 4th Dan Motobu Ryu Kyu Kobujutsu Moidi Tuite. 4th Dan Koryu Karate Jutsu Jissen Ryu. 2nd Dan Aiki-jutsu. 2nd Dan…
Willy Detobel – Belgium
Sensei Willy Detobel started practicing Karate Do and Jiu Jutsu in February 1966. Currently he holds following degrees: 6th Dan Karate Do Shotokan 4th Dan Uchina Kobudo 2nd Dan Ryukyu Kobujutsu 2nd Dan Jiu Jutsu
Media Release Statement
Media Release Statement Subscribing to the “Guardians of Ryukyu” seminar includes acceptance of the photograph and video release statement described here under. “I hereby grant permission to the rights of my image, likeness and sound of my voice as recorded on audio or video tape without payment or any other…
Code of Conduct
Attending a seminar in the presence of Grandmasters is not a sort of thing a novice martial artist will do. So the Bushido values should already be known to all participants. Just for arguments sake following points: You are an ambassador of your school and your style, so always behave…
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