Hubert Laenen – Belgium

Hubert Laenen Sensei was born in Belgium on 28/06/1959. At the age of six he started studying martial arts. Now he is 9th dan Kyoshi and European Chief Instructor from Okinawa for Koryu Karate Jutsu Jissen Ryu and Motobu Ryu Kyu Kobujutsu Moidi. His most important sensei are Shiroma Seihan…

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Rob Van Hees – Belgium

Rob Sensei took up Judo at the age of 14. During his college studies in Leuven, he loved practising Judo and Wadoryu Karate. In 1997 he started to train more intensively in his current favourite style Aikijujutsu Yoseikan, but continued practising: Goju Ryu Karate and Katori Shinto Ryu. In whatever…

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Vladimir Martynenko – Ukraine

Sensei Vladimir Martynenko was born in Odessa – Ukraine in 1961. He began to study “Systema” in 1992 directly from the founder Alexey Kadochnikov and became a full licensed Instructor in 2007. Systema (Система, literally meaning “the system”) is a Russian martial art, originated from traditional fighting styles and the…

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Walter Toch – Belgium

Sifu Walter Toch has been intensely active in the martial arts for over 50 years now. He works as a professional martial arts teacher and is always open for every new development. He is also a self-taught scientist and author of several articles, books and DVDs. Sifu Walter Toch is of…

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Anatoly Oleksov – Ukraine

Anatoly Oleksov Sensei is Shibucho for Ukraine Motobu Ryu Kyu Kobujutsu Moidi Tuite and Koryu Karate Jutsu Jissen Ryu. Anatoly Sensei holds following degrees: 4th Dan Delta SWAT Police system. 4th Dan Motobu Ryu Kyu Kobujutsu Moidi Tuite. 4th Dan Koryu Karate Jutsu Jissen Ryu. 2nd Dan Aiki-jutsu. 2nd Dan…

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