YAGI ISAO Hanshi – 9th dan Motobu-ryu Ryukyu Bujutsu Moudi – was born in 1961 and is an instructor in MOTOBU UDUNDI. MOTOBU UDUNDI, the ancient royal palace art which was kept secret until recent times. Motobu Udundi blends te (the precursor of karate) kobudo (weapons) and Ryukyu dance. The…
KIKUGAWA MASANARI Hanshi – 9th Dan Okinawa Goju Ryu – was born in Okinawa in 1946 and is a student of the late Master Eiichi Miyazato. He started Karate at the age of 15 and won a lot of kata championship titles in the 80’s (Japan Champion, Asian champion, Okinawa…
GAJA TAKEHIRO Hanshi – 9th dan Uechi-ryu, 7th Dan Matayoshi Kobudo. Hanshi was born in 1941 and is the master instructor and president of the Okinawa Uechi-Ryu Karate-Do Honzokai. Video of Kata Sanseirui: Special thanks to Chris Willson Photography – Travel 67 for the extra images.
GIBO GIYU Hanshi – 10th dan Kobayashi Shorin Ryu – was born in 1938 into a martial arts family of Urasoe City, Okinawa. He started karate training in 1957. Through his martial arts career, Master Gibo has received karate lessons from many of the karate masters in Okinawan history Grand…
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