Rob Sensei took up Judo at the age of 14.
During his college studies in Leuven, he loved practising Judo and Wadoryu Karate.
In 1997 he started to train more intensively in his current favourite style Aikijujutsu Yoseikan, but continued practising: Goju Ryu Karate and Katori Shinto Ryu.
In whatever style Rob Sensei entered the Tatami, he always managed to continuously impress his colleagues with his tremendous martial skills during local training sessions and international seminars. Rob Sensei is also a marvellous and very inspiring Sensei for young Budoka.
Rob Sensei assisted many of following Sensei in international seminars or joined them during several ‘training vacations’ around the world:
- Jan Janssens Kyoshi,
- Hubert Laenen Kyoshi,
- Pascal Serei Sensei,
- Andy Vleugels Sensei,
- Hugo Chauveau Sensei and
- Frans-Jozef Becker Sensei.
Rob Sensei holds the following degrees:
- 4th Dan Aikijujutsu Yoseikan,
- 2nd Dan Goju Ryu Karate,
- 1st Dan Katori Shinto Ryu
Rob Sensei will be one of the three superb Sensei in this first “Junior GoR” edition.
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