Tihamér Tóth Sensei started martial arts at the age of 17. He started with Yuko-Ryu Ju-Jitsu, which he studied under the guidance of István Kelemen Sensei, a well known Master in Hungary. Afterwards he took on Tai-Jitsu with Master Roland Hernaez in France.
Tihamér Tóth Sensei holds following degrees:
- 3th Dan Zendo karate,
- 3th Dan Shobukai Zendo Academy (Sadaharu Japan).
- 2nd Dan Koryu Karate Jutsu Jissen Ryu (Hubert Laenen).
- 6th Level style independent Kyusho Jitsu Instructor (Szénási Zsolt).
- 1st Dan Ryukyu Kenpo Kyusho Jitsu.
In his professional career he is a Civil Occupation Architect and Civil Engineer, and an Economist Real Estate Expert.
In addition to martial arts, he is also involved in the maintenance of acupressure massage and Prananadi master.
For more information, visit tihamester.webnode.hu
Tihamér Tóth Sensei was first assistant to Szénási Zsolt Sensei in last years Guardians of Ryukyu 2017 Gasshuku.
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