YAGI ISAO Hanshi – 9th dan Motobu-ryu Ryukyu Bujutsu Moudi – was born in 1961 and is an instructor in MOTOBU UDUNDI.

MOTOBU UDUNDI, the ancient royal palace art which was kept secret until recent times. Motobu Udundi blends te (the precursor of karate) kobudo (weapons) and Ryukyu dance. The name comes from the fact that it was passed down through the noble Motobu family of the udun rank, with the di coming from ti, meaning bujutsu-martial art-in Ryukyuan.

Motobu Udundi is considered a “general” martial art in that it makes use of punching and kicking striking techniques, joint locking and throwing techniques known as tuiti, and a variety of weapons.